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29 novembre 2008



the company's ansiayls of over one million social media posts indicates a significant increases in all of the following:-Social media activity from Occupy supporters and activists promoting physical destruction and violent action.-Direct and specific threats from Occupy hacktivist groups against specific financial and law enforcement targets.-Social media posts, videos and images targeting: financial institutions that issue mortgages and student loans and that initiate foreclosures; corporate entities that received bailout money or government subsidies; companies that pay high executive salaries or bonuses; and companies perceived to be paying extremely low taxes. ListenLogic is detecting, he says, a change in the tone of discourse about the so-called 1 percent richest Americans.There still are postings that talk about taxing the 1 percent more severely or even throwing them in jail. But then, says Schiavone, there's an increase in let's kill' them. We see eat the rich,' kill the wealthy.' There are images circulating of senior executives being decapitated, images of blood. Artists are releasing images of banks on fire.

mais de l'eau

mais de l'eau est sortie l'obligation de refaire un appel d'offres sur ce contrat qui concerne 144 communes - donc ne soyons pas négatifs - remercions notre élue de s'être investie dans de débat régional et attendons de voir les améliorations qui en ressortiront

Echec et math

Que d'énergie perdue. Décidément, les albertivillariens, derrière leur élue qui avait rassemblé 30 personnes tribune comprise, pour sa réunion sur l'eau, ont été battus à plate couture par la droite qui a concédé au privé la gestion de la flotte.
Bravo le libéralisme. bravo Véolia.

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